Источник - ubr.ua Владельцы квартир не торопятся снижать аренду. На треть подешевели только элитные апартаменты. Плата за съем однокомнатных в Киеве уменьшилась на 200 долларов. Однако в гривнах сумма не изменилась. Риелторы говорят: владельцы пока не готовы снижать цены. Разве что их жилье несколько месяцев будет оставаться пустым. Комментирует: Виктория Чашник, начальник отдела аренды агентства недвижимости (г. Киев) Длительность: 0:35
Скриншоты к видео Аренда столичных квартир не снизилась?
Paul McCartney - "Lady Madonna" (Live in Kiev 14.06.2008) -------------------------------- The former Beatle played to an audience of 350000 in the capital Kiev's main square on June 14 2008. Thunder and lightning filled the skies yet the true electricity came from the stage as Sir Paul McCartney gave his first ever concert in Kiev. A record 350000 braved the inclement weather to see the musician. The charity concert, in the former Soviet republic's Independence Square, was the Ukraine's biggest ever. The gig was simultaneously broadcast on giant screens in six other Ukrainian cities and on television, with an estimated 10 million people watching. Organisers of the charity event said money raised will be spent on equipment to help children with cancer. Paul McCartney played: 'Drive My Car' 'Jet' 'All My Loving' 'Only Mama Knows' 'Flaming Pie' 'Got To Get You Into My Life' 'Let Me Roll It' 'C Moon' 'My Love' 'Let 'Em In' 'The Long And Winding Road' 'Dance Tonight' 'Blackbird' 'Calico Skies' 'I'll Follow The Sun' 'Mrs Vanderbilt' 'Eleanor Rigby' 'Something' 'Good Day Sunshine' 'Penny Lane' 'Band On The Run' 'Birthday' 'Back In The USSR' 'I Got A Feeling' 'Live And Let Die' 'Let It Be' 'Hey Jude' 'A Day In The Life/Give Peace A Chance' 'Lady Madonna' 'Get Back' 'I Saw Her Standing There' 'Yesterday' 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' Длительность: 2:47
Скриншоты к видео Paul McCartney - Lady Madonna (Live in Kiev 2008)
Paul McCartney - "Mrs. Vandebilt" (Live in Kiev 14.06.2008) ---------------------------- The former Beatle played to an audience of 350000 in the capital Kiev's main square on June 14 2008. Thunder and lightning filled the skies yet the true electricity came from the stage as Sir Paul McCartney gave his first ever concert in Kiev. A record 350000 braved the inclement weather to see the musician. The charity concert, in the former Soviet republic's Independence Square, was the Ukraine's biggest ever. The gig was simultaneously broadcast on giant screens in six other Ukrainian cities and on television, with an estimated 10 million people watching. Organisers of the charity event said money raised will be spent on equipment to help children with cancer. Paul McCartney played: 'Drive My Car' 'Jet' 'All My Loving' 'Only Mama Knows' 'Flaming Pie' 'Got To Get You Into My Life' 'Let Me Roll It' 'C Moon' 'My Love' 'Let 'Em In' 'The Long And Winding Road' 'Dance Tonight' 'Blackbird' 'Calico Skies' 'I'll Follow The Sun' 'Mrs Vanderbilt' 'Eleanor Rigby' 'Something' 'Good Day Sunshine' 'Penny Lane' 'Band On The Run' 'Birthday' 'Back In The USSR' 'I Got A Feeling' 'Live And Let Die' 'Let It Be' 'Hey Jude' 'A Day In The Life/Give Peace A Chance' 'Lady Madonna' 'Get Back' 'I Saw Her Standing There' 'Yesterday' 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' Длительность: 5:13
Скриншоты к видео Paul McCartney - Mrs. Vandebilt (Live in Kiev 2008)
Paul McCartney's "Mrs. Vanderbilt" At the begining of the song, Paul said in ukrainian: "We were asked to perform this song" Band performed song at the front of the Ukrainian state flag image. 14.06.2008 This RIP was made from NOVY TV Channel (www.novy.tv ) Длительность: 5:04
Скриншоты к видео Paul McCartney — Mrs. Vandebilt (Live in Kiev 2008)