The magnum is like a shotgun. FAQ: Question: If I buy A weapon is the Magnum better than the shotgun. Answer: I have got no idea but I think they might be both the same, but ha ha I have both :D. Question: is the magnum more accurate than the shotgun? Answer: The shotgun is more accurate. These Maps For Magnum: Reddawn maelstrom kiev frankfurt a7autobahn (no vehicles) If you want to give me any coins ill be happy because i have none, go to red crucible 2 then go to friends type in COFFEE and click the + on A General then click add coins and type how many you wanna give PLUS IF YOU DONATE COINS ILL SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR AWESOME CHANNEL! Hey want to learn how to rent a SA80, osv96, rpg-7, G3 and 1000 honour points!? well Длительность: 4:36
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