Сергей Григорович родился в Киеве на Оболони 18 апреля 1978 года. Однако первые три года жил у своей бабушки в Донецке. В пятом классе поехал благодаря программе школьного обмена во Францию. Оттуда он привез игру, которую потом в 12-летнем возрасте сдавал в «аренду» своим одноклассникам, таким образом, зарабатывал свои первые деньги. C шестого класса начал торговать на рынке компьютерными играми и разными радиоэлектронными товарами. В 16 лет создал компанию GSC Game World, название компании происходит от латинизированных инициалов Григоровича Сергея Константиновича. Интересно, что логотип этой компании он создал уже в 12 лет. Длительность: 22:07
1 thing- DO NOT BUY / RENT THIS SUB MACHINE GUN (UZI).. It will not kill (proof- 2:35 - 3:01). LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT to see GLITCHES/SECRET SPOTS gameplays on different maps with different guns on my channel! Длительность: 9:26
Скриншоты к видео Red Crucible 2 Uzi ('GLITCHED' machine pistol) and MGL Gameplay Red Dawn
The FN FAL is a powerful rifle. FAQ: Question: Which weapon is better, FN FAL or G3? Answer: The FN FAL I would say because it has a higher power. Question: When are you going to show us the G3 Sniper? Answer: Once someone give me the coins to buy it or when I can rent it. These maps for FN FAL: Reddawn Kiev Frankfurt Maelstrom If you want to give me any coins ill be happy because i have none, go to red crucible 2 then go to friends type in COFFEE and click the + on A General then click add coins and type how many you wanna give PLUS IF YOU DONATE COINS ILL SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR AWESOME CHANNEL! Hey want to learn how to rent a SA80, osv96, rpg-7, G3 and 1000 honour points!? well Длительность: 2:16
The L1A1 is a 3-shot kill rifle. FAQ: Question: How much coins does it cost to buy the L1A1? Answer: 200 coins, or 160 when it's on discounts. Question: When are you going to show us the L1A1 Sniper? Answer: After this video. Question: What weapon is better L1A1 or M14? Answer: I think the L1A1 is better than the M14 because the L1A1 reloads faster than the M14. These maps for L1A1 Sniper: Frankfurt Reddawn Kiev Maelstrom If you want to give me any coins ill be happy because i have none, go to red crucible 2 then go to friends type in COFFEE and click the + on A General then click add coins and type how many you wanna give PLUS IF YOU DONATE COINS ILL SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR AWESOME CHANNEL! Hey want to learn how to rent a SA80, osv96, rpg-7, G3 and 1000 honour points!? well Длительность: 2:32
The Minigun is one of the best primary weapons, the Minigun is the strongest machine-gun but it is the least accurate machine-gun. FAQ: Question: Mgl or Minigun, which one is better? Answer: They're both different, but they act like twins because you can buy both weapons with the colour you choose. Question: What is the best machine-gun? Answer: I do not know but you can comment about your opinions, my opinion is that the machine-guns all have strengths and weaknesses, like the Minigun is strong with power and weak with accuracy. These maps for Minigun: Kiev reddawn maelstrom frankfurt (maybe) If you want to give me any coins ill be happy because i have none, go to red crucible 2 then go to friends type in COFFEE and click the + on A General then click add coins and type how many you wanna give PLUS IF YOU DONATE COINS ILL SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR AWESOME CHANNEL! Hey want to learn how to rent a SA80, osv96, rpg-7, G3 and 1000 honour points!? well Длительность: 3:02
The Mp5 is an alright secondary weapon, but I still say it's good to buy. FAQ: Question: Is The Mp5 the best secondary weapon? Answer: Nope, there is no such thing as best or worst. Question: When are you gonna show us PKMG or M60? Answer: Whenever someone gives me the coins to buy it or when you can rent it. These maps for Mp5: Reddawn kiev frankfurt maelstrom If you want to give me any coins ill be happy because i have none, go to red crucible 2 then go to friends type in COFFEE and click the + on A General then click add coins and type how many you wanna give PLUS IF YOU DONATE COINS ILL SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR AWESOME CHANNEL! Hey want to learn how to rent a SA80, osv96, rpg-7, G3 and 1000 honour points!? well Длительность: 4:34
The Scorpion is one of the best secondary weapons in Red Crucible 2. FAQ: Question: Why does the scorpion look ugly? Answer: Because thats how they made it look like. Question: When are you going to show us the Mp5? Answer: When the Mp5 is rentable or when someone sends me the coins to buy it. These maps for Mp5: Kiev reddawn frankfurt maelstrom If you want to give me any coins ill be happy because i have none, go to red crucible 2 then go to friends type in COFFEE and click the + on A General then click add coins and type how many you wanna give PLUS IF YOU DONATE COINS ILL SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR AWESOME CHANNEL! Hey want to learn how to rent a SA80, osv96, rpg-7, G3 and 1000 honour points!? well Длительность: 2:43
The magnum is like a shotgun. FAQ: Question: If I buy A weapon is the Magnum better than the shotgun. Answer: I have got no idea but I think they might be both the same, but ha ha I have both :D. Question: is the magnum more accurate than the shotgun? Answer: The shotgun is more accurate. These Maps For Magnum: Reddawn maelstrom kiev frankfurt a7autobahn (no vehicles) If you want to give me any coins ill be happy because i have none, go to red crucible 2 then go to friends type in COFFEE and click the + on A General then click add coins and type how many you wanna give PLUS IF YOU DONATE COINS ILL SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR AWESOME CHANNEL! Hey want to learn how to rent a SA80, osv96, rpg-7, G3 and 1000 honour points!? well Длительность: 4:36
The MGL is a grenade launcher, i think its like u get to have infinate grenades. FAQ: Question: which gun is better minigun or mgl? Answer: i think the mgl is better than minigun and mg3 is also better than minigun. Question: is rocketcam good with mgl? answer: it makes mgl i bit better but i dont recommend to spend 200 coins or 750hp on a 24hr rocketcam. If you want to give me any coins ill be happy because i have none, go to red crucible 2 then go to friends type in COFFEE and click the + on A General then click add coins and type how many you wanna give PLUS IF YOU DONATE COINS ILL SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR AWESOME CHANNEL! Hey want to learn how to rent a SA80, osv96, rpg-7, G3 and 1000 honour points!? well Длительность: 5:40
The SVD is a deadly 3 shot silent killing sniper rifle. FAQ: Question: Which is better SVD or M21? Answer: I think SVD is better because it has a silencer on it. Question: Why did you play on Kiev? Answer: I want alot of kills so I played on Kiev. If you want to give me any coins ill be happy because i have none, go to red crucible 2 then go to friends type in COFFEE and click the + on A General then click add coins and type how many you wanna give PLUS IF YOU DONATE COINS ILL SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR AWESOME CHANNEL! Hey want to learn how to rent a SA80, osv96, rpg-7, G3 and 1000 honour points!? well Длительность: 3:24
In this vid ill be showing you the AKS-74U. FAQ: Question: What weapon is better, the M4 or the AKS-74U? Answer: I have no idea they are both like the same but leave your opinions in the comments below. Question: When are you going to show us the M4? Answer: once I can rent it but the next vid is the M21. If you want to give me any coins ill be happy because i have none, go to red crucible 2 then go to friends type in COFFEE and click the + on A General then click add coins and type how many you wanna give PLUS IF YOU DONATE COINS ILL SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR AWESOME CHANNEL! Hey want to learn how to rent a SA80, osv96, rpg-7, G3 and 1000 honour points!? well Длительность: 5:45
ill be showing you the Mac-10 in this vid, the mac-10 is a secondary gun and its strong but it doesn't shoot very accurate. FAQ: Question: How do I rent/buy the Mac-10? Answer: The Mac-10 can be bought by going to character then scroll down and look for Mac-10 then click on it and click buy/rent then choose if you want to rent it with coins or honour points then click rent/buy but to buy the weapon you neeed coins. Question: did you buy Mac-10? Answer: No I was in Guest mode. If you want to give me any coins ill be happy because i have none, go to red crucible 2 then go to friends type in COFFEE and click the + on A General then click add coins and type how many you wanna give PLUS IF YOU DONATE COINS ILL SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR AWESOME CHANNEL! Hey want to learn how to rent a SA80, osv96, rpg-7, G3 and 1000 honour points!? well Длительность: 6:59
ill show you the Famas in this video I am sorry that I suck at throwing grenades. :( FAQ: Question: Why did you throw grenades in this video? Answer: Because so I could make this video a bit cooler. Question: Why do you keep dying in this video? Answer: Because im not so good at the Famas. If you want to give me any coins ill be happy because i have none, go to red crucible 2 then go to friends type in COFFEE and click the + on A General then click add coins and type how many you wanna give PLUS IF YOU DONATE COINS ILL SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR AWESOME CHANNEL! Hey want to learn how to rent a SA80, osv96, rpg-7, G3 and 1000 honour points!? well Длительность: 6:17